About: The Social Democracy Pages
'Conviction, Pluralism, Unity'
Irving Kristol was often called the "Godfather of neoconservatism". A
Trotskyite in his youth,
Kristol later rejected communism in favor of democratic socialism, and
then, liberalism. Though, he eventually used his mid-20th century policy
magazine, The Public Interest, to present a neoconservative
of liberalism and its failing social programs. Disillusioned with Great
Society liberalism, neoconservatives were to align with anticommunist counterparts
in the Republican Party, in 1980, supporting Ronald Reagan's opposition to
Soviet adventurism in Angola, Afghanistan, and other Third World countries.
Similarly, The Social Democracy Pages, itself a social democratic
affection, rejects many assumptions and applications of today's
progressivism, not in order to endorse a discredited Marxist ideology
(Kristol did not do this either), but rather, in progressivism's place,
a radical alternative, an experienced-based approach to domestic policy and
foreign affairs, drawn from the lessons of an earlier generation of
liberals "mugged by reality". SDP's narrative includes the rightward
drift of the old Social Democrats, USA (1972-2005), links to the heirs of
the 1970's Henry "Scoop" Jackson Democrats, as well as to neoconservative think tanks like the
Foreign Policy Initiative.
SDP Site Ring Themes
(Divided Into the Sections Listed Below) ...
Section I: Lessons in Pluralism, Social Justice, &
SDP-Lessons points to neoconservative ideas devised from the historical experience of anticomunist progressives from the old New Deal coalition.
Section II: Moral Clarity, Realism & the Democratic
SDP-Ideals affirms tested, neoconservative,
assumptions and approaches to foreign policy.
Section III: Democracy & Pax Americana- (1947
SDP-Pax Americana stresses continuity in foreign affairs
from the Cold War Era to the Age of Jihad. Neoconservative
approaches are typified, fot the most part, through Allied efforts
in the Iraq and Afghanistan.
(ca. 2001 to 2021)
Section IV: After Modernism-
SDP-After Modernism is a call to civic awareness,
through values based reflection. SDP-After
Modernism maintains the moral agency of the individual in a
society that seems increasingly perplexed by this assertion.
Organized religion, from a view of separation of church and
state, is promoted as a model for moral development.
As the Left use the Arts and Humanities, and the very esthetics of web design, to draw attention to its agenda, so, too, should neoconservativism. As is the case, both camps must reject ideologues and present their
respective assumptions honestly in the public eye. SDP also directs to archived Social Democrats, USA source material, affirmations of the Civil Rights movement, and information on the Cultural wars.
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